Are you ready to take your next step in faith?
Whether you're ready to publicly declare your faith through baptism, join a small group, or take on a leadership role, each step is crucial to growing closer to Jesus and fulfilling the purpose He has for your life.
Need help finding your next step?
We’d love to assist you.
At Northgate Pentecostals, we believe everyone has a journey in growing their relationship with Jesus. We are here to provide you with the tools and support you need to take those important steps toward connecting to God’s heart, discovering His purpose for your life, and becoming part of a community where searching souls find their way back.
Connect Lunch
Connect Lunch meets every first Sunday of the month and is designed to be a no-pressure interest meeting with FREE lunch and childcare provided. You’ll get a chance to hear from one of our pastors about the vision of Northgate and why we exist!
First Steps
First Steps is a two-week course that takes place every second and third week of the month. At Northgate, we believe that everyone has something unique to offer the Kingdom of God. Our goal for this course is for you to discover your unique talents and for us to help you get involved and start serving!
Water Baptism
Water baptism is a powerful declaration of faith and a significant step in your spiritual journey. We believe that expressing our faith in Jesus Christ involves calling on His name, Jesus, in the waters of baptism. Water baptism is an act of obedience, representing our identification with Jesus in his death to sin, burial of the old nature, and resurrection to new life.
Small Groups
Small Groups have one simple purpose: bringing people together. We believe that God created us to live in community with others and to engage in doing life together through fellowship, celebrating life accomplishments, learning, sharing life stories, and proclaiming the gospel. We are a church of small groups and believe that discipleship, growth, and transformation happen in the context of authentic community. Small groups meet weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly to make life-changing relationships relevant and accessible to you.
Dream Team
We were created with a purpose, and that purpose is to make a difference in someone else’s life. After completing First Steps, we work towards assigning you to a dream team where your unique abilities and passions intersect. Whether you join the greeting team, lead the next generation to Jesus on our Kingdom Kidz team, serve in Worship, Media, or Safety, or lead your own small group — our passion is helping you find your God-given strengths and equipping you to use them for the Kingdom. If you’re ready to take the next steps in making a difference, we invite you to join First Steps!